
Showing posts from 2016

Bringing Down the Bills

Winter is fast approaching and those layers of clothing in the closet are staring you right in the face. Winter comes with a few requirements; the need for heating appliances and emergency heating repair when the system goes idle on the coldest day of the year. To avoid uninvited emergencies, prepare your heating system now for a warm and comfortable winter season. Aside from ensuring perfect functioning, another concern bothering most home owners is the rocketing utility bills that coincide with the price of comfort. Pocket Money There’s good news for home owners! You can save on your energy bills with a few tips that are mentioned below.  Keeping the thermostat at energy saving points during the day when no one is home or at bedtime saves energy. However, these settings are only possible in programmable thermostats.  Home owners often crank up the heating device to 80 degrees or more to heat quickly and lower the temperatures to cool fast. This will not save ener...

Caring for your HVAC System

Keeping your house cool, comfortable or warm during unbearable weather conditions is a must. For most homeowners, having both cooling and heating systems to ensure comfort all year round is a must. There is a way to get both of these benefits into one system. The HVAC system conveniently rules out the need for two different systems and rolls both into one. It helps regulate temperature by cooling in the warmer months and heating in the colder ones. This will keeping your home environment comfortable. Handling this responsibility across the year does require the need for maintenance and repair. Roaring loudly To make sure your HVAC systems functions properly and has a longer lifespan, this is what you need. Call a professional HVAC maintenance at least twice a year; every spring and fall before and after the harsh weather strikes. These professionals inspect, clean, and repair the important mechanisms of the system. Dirt, dust, and debris are the biggest enemies of HVAC syste...

Get HVAC Repairs & Help Before It’s Too Late

It’s already fall and you know winter is creeping right around the corner. Your HVAC system has been cooling your home throughout the warm months and will now heat your home and save you from bearing the winter chill. However, many owners neglect repairs and maintenance believing that a HVAC system that seems to be working fine will serve them just as well in the forthcoming season. The Results of Avoidance Nonetheless, they fail to understand the consequences of this avoidance. If you don’t conduct maintenance to your system, you could be left with a system that needs heating repair and maintenance right when you need it most – during the cold months. The HVAC system is sophisticated equipment and thus, needs appropriate care. Neglecting this will only lead to less efficiency, and repair bills; not to mention the inconvenience of dealing with cold weather conditions in your home. Safety is yet another factor to be considered for ignoring HVAC repair and maintenance. Low r...

Finding the Right Contractor for the Job

The furnace installed in your home is necessary for your comfort. It serves you throughout the cold months in a bid to provide a comfortable home environment. Bearing the chill would be impossible without its presence. All it demands in return is timely and expert maintenance to continue serving through many more chilly seasons. However, it is important to understand that calling any repairman for furnace repair is most likely to put you in a situation of despair. For, the person may not essentially possess the knowledge and skills required for furnace repair.  So, to ensure the relentless service of your furnace, choose the right professional for furnace repair. Here’s how you can find one. The traditional and most reliable way to find the expert is to ask your friends, relatives and acquaintances for references. Then, ask the short listed professionals for their customer references. Question the customers about their ability, professionalism and services. Visit the...

Saving Energy and Money!

Summers are getting warmer year after year. It’s our prized air conditioning systems that save us from the discomfort of “global warming”. Well; despite the many benefits and priceless comfort provided by the air conditioning systems, the energy bills can still be shocking. Affordable air conditioning is what all home owners aspire for . Yes, many companies have transformed this dream into reality with their energy efficient air conditioning systems. However, energy efficiency can be attained through other factors apart from just installing an energy efficient air conditioner. These factors include: Buying an over-sized system in a bid to ensure increased and quick cooling will not only make the home uncomfortable, but will also hike up your energy bill. It is therefore advisable to let a professional heating and cooling contractor like Beantown AC survey the house and make a suggestion for the appropriate size. Insulation coupled with air conditioning is equivalent to opti...

Pocket-Friendly Air Conditioning

Buying a new AC? Looking for affordable air conditioning? It can get expensive, so make sure you are doing all you can to keep the costs low. A common practice while hunting for affordable air conditioning is just considering the initial price of the air conditioning system or unit. However, there’s more to cost-efficient air conditioning than just the price. Here’s a list of what you need to consider for cost efficient air conditioning. Usage: How many days in the year do you use the air conditioner? For instance, in the Northeast, air conditioning is used for only 90-120 throughout the year. But, this statistic does not mean you can purchase a slightly more expensive air conditioning system or unit. Energy costs are high in this region of the country, and ultimately still ends up costing you more through indirectly raising your energy bill. Energy Costs: Considering the previous point, consider the EER (Electrical Energy Rating), which is mentioned on the packaging of every...

Professionally Reliable Post Summer Care Expert Services

While school is done for the summer and the kids are out enjoying their vacation, the temperatures creep up and soon, the days are unbearably hot. All thanks to HVAC systems, summer days are bearable and you are able to enjoy a comfortable environment while at home. However, summer does eventually come to an end. The kids go back to school and it’s time to let your HVAC system rest and wait until it’s cold enough to put it back into use. The Transition Many people don’t know this but it’s important to take care of your HVAC system when transitioning season to season, especially summer to fall. Here is a helpful guide to help you meet it’s demands: Continuous use of the HVAC system in the summer causes dust and dirt to accumulate within the filters. At the end of the summer, these filters need to be cleaned or replaced. If the summer months were very demanding and you were busy with gardening, check out your HVAC system now. Wind, storms, mowing the lawn, and other summer act...

Yes! You must hire a professional for heating ac repair

Can there be any worse situation than your heating and cooling system breaking down during the scorching summer days, or during the chilly winter days? Well, if you maintain your system well, you may be able to avoid this. But either way, there may come a time when you need heating ac repair . If you see or experience any issue with your system, the first step is to give it a quick check over and then call the professionals. Give a quick check to make sure that all the wires are well connected and that you haven’t made any mistakes to the connection board. Also, you should not try to repair the problem yourself, because that can cause further damage than benefit. It is better that you call the professionals to get the repair done correctly and safely. Look for a heating and ac repair company that: Possesses the aid of relevant and professional tools and equipment to refurbish any damage with the system. They must have ample experience in the field and in repairing systems....

Don’t Wait for your AC to Freeze up

Thanks to fluctuating weather conditions, most homes require a cooling as well as heating unit; or both rolled into one in a HVAC unit. Whatever the system may be, it is advisable to make annual heating and AC repair and maintenance a devoted practice. Heating, air conditioning, and HVAC systems are expensive and require due care to keep your home comfortable all 365 days of the year.  For, as clichéd as it may sound, “Prevention is better than cure”. Why wait for the heating or cooling system to fail on the hottest or coldest day of the year; forcing you to deal with adverse weather conditions? Comfort across 365 days To avoid falling into a rut like this, call the professionals from Beantown AC for your repair, maintenance, and servicing needs once every six months. Waiting for the heating or AC system to fail before finally taking a look at your AC system will only aggravate the problems further and could have been avoided with regular maintenance. Here are the benefits o...

Bring the Heat with Beantown AC

If you have bought a new home, then you want everything at its best, from interior décor, to the HVAC system. There are different elements that are important in a home so that you can get the most of it, and you can lead a comfortable life in all seasons. Heating and cooling is an important part of a comfortable home but many people know little about it.  Homes today are being built in a tighter fashion which allows less infiltration of the outdoor air, resulting in a lower air exchange rate in the newer homes than the old ones. This can cause the indoor air to become stagnant and unhealthy if no measure is being taken to increase the air exchange rate. Since most of the heating and cooling units in homes, including forced air heating systems, do not mechanically bring fresh air into the house, it is important that you install a system which will. If you have tried approaching it in different ways, you should consider choosing the services of a professional company li...

The Right Choice when Repair is in the Air

More often than not we take our heating and cooling systems for granted. Summer comes up and we automatically wipe the dust off of the AC and flip the switch on. Winter months rush in and we flip on the switch of the heater in its place. This is how we function. That is why when the question of heating and cooling repair comes up we are left dazed and confused. What should we do? How do we go about it? First off, search for the best servicing outlets in your neighborhood; if the technicians are trained and licensed, all the better. You can even ask your friends and neighbors for reference if you want. If everything works out, then the company you choose will suit your standard just fine. But, if you need referrals you can always check out the credentials of Beantown AC. Visit their official website at:

Look Out For the Signs!

Waking up in the middle of a cold winter night to a conked off heating system is certainly painful. Bearing the brunt of the inclement weather till the technician knocks on your door is definitely not a pleasure. The only way to avoid such a nuisance is timely heating and ac repair in Plymouth . There could be a number of problems causing the heating system to conk off. However, the good news is that your furnace gives you warning signals when it needs to be taken care of. So, watch out for these warning signals to ensure you stay comfortable when the weather turns on you. It’s Time Now ·          The pilot light on the gas furnace stays lit and has a blue flame. If this is not happening and the light is flickering or turning a nasty color, then there is a problem. The problem may often be as small as a blockage in the vent. ·          Ideally, the furnace main roars into life as soon...